Spielen mit sich selbst und mit unserem Boot, schön zum Beobachten für uns: gemeine Delfine
Eine zusätzliche Information für alle, die sich bewußt und richtig mit Fisch ernähren wollen, Thema was wir heute mal wieder an Bord hatten: http://www.msc.org/where-to-buy und http://www.sustainablewaters.com/tuna-in-cans-love-them-but-whats-really-in-them/
Playing with each other and interacting with our vessel, nice to observe for us: common dolphins
Some usefull aditional informations about what and where to buy fish, like I promised to some of our clients today on our trip: http://www.msc.org/where-to-buy and http://www.sustainablewaters.com/tuna-in-cans-love-them-but-whats-really-in-them/
Brincando com sigo e interagir com a nossa embarcação, muito bonito para observar: golfinhos comums
Aqui algumas informações adicionais para quem quer comer peixe sem fazer mal aos golfinhos e ao ambiente, tema que abordamos com algumas pessoas hoje a bordo: http://www.msc.org/where-to-buy e http://www.sustainablewaters.com/tuna-in-cans-love-them-but-whats-really-in-them/