Not every day, but now and then there is this sprinkle of ocean enchantment in the air. So happened today without a doubt. It was a tour where marine mammals became angels of the seas and the air was filled with magic.
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) migrated along the coast of Madeira and wanted to accompany Ribeira Brava for a while. That was wonderful! But the really magical moment was a gift from the Short finned Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). A small subgroup of juvenile Pilot whales behaved in an extraordinary way. One of the animals stopped in front of Ribeira Brava, dangled vertically in the water and seemed to be waiting for us. This young Pilot whale then came into our bow wave from its own drive. We stopped the boat and the animal rested very close to the hull, moved away a little, came close again, stood vertically in the bow again, turned to rest on the long side of the boat. It was like a gentle dance, a tender approach. Such a delicate, mellow, gentle contact. As this Pilot whale rested close to us with his pectoral fins on each side, it almost looked like he was an angel. A cute, chubby and lovely guardian angel who watches over us! My Guardian Angel definitely looks like this! And yours? 🙂
The Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), with which we had another close encounter, look as well as little sea angels with their long pectoral fins. Definitely the day of the angels!
And now you can become a guardian angel of the marine mammals! Get involved. Make yourself strong wherever and however you can. And you can start right away, sign our petitions.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Rough toothed dolphins
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Rough toothed dolphins, Striped dolphins
15:00 Pilot whales, Striped dolphins