Not an easy day. Neither for our spotter Carlos nor for the Skippers Daniel and Pedro.. Our guests onboard the snorkeling trip in the morning ended up observing the evasive manner of Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruloealba) from the boat. Crazy to think that the Striped Dolphins and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, that we encounter almost every day with very big excitement, are so closely related, even sharing the same genug. Hence the behaviour and manner in which they approach (or not approach) couldn’t be any more different. While the Spotties almost always happily approach and entertain us, Striped Dolphins are rarely seen close to boats or even to shore..
For the rest of the days conditions stayed difficult and after giving our best we sadly realized that this just wasn’t the best in whale watching days. Well, this also is one part of whale watching and we hope our guests can find joy in even the little things like enjoying a nice boat ride our and to have another perspective on the beauty of Madeira.
Lets hope for more luck tomorrow !
by Paulina Kalita
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Striped Dolphins
15:00 Cancellation
9:30 Striped dolphins
14:00 Cancellation
17:00 No sighting