Keine leichte Fahrt heute mit der “Ribeira Brava”, die Tiere hatten sich gut “versteckt”, doch dann sahen wir gemeinsam zwei Arten von Delfinen, die gewöhnlicherweise nicht zusammen sind: gemeine Delfine und Flekendelfine. Auch sahen wir die ersten portugiesischen Galeeren.
The trip with the “Ribeira Brava” was not so easy today because the animals had “hidden” goodly, but the we saw two species together which not use to occur together: common dolphins and atlantic spotted dolphins. As well we could observe the first portuguese man of war.
Não fui fácil hoje na nossa viagem com o “Ribeira Brava” porque os animais estavam bem “escondidos”, mas no fim conseguimos observar duas espécies juntos: golfinhos comuns e golfinhos pintados. Tamebm observamos hoje as primeiras caravelas portuguesas.
Delphinus delphis
Stenella frontalis