Grampus griseus
Heute nur zufriedene und interessierte Gäste, kein einziger seekranker trotz erschwerter Meeresbedingungen, und trotzdem Schildkröten und Rundkopfdelfine am Morgen und Grosse Tümmler, fliegende Fische und eine Galeere am Nachmittag.
Today we had lots of interessted and happy guests, nobody got sick even tough the sea was a bit rough, in the morning we saw turtles and Risso's dolphins and in the afternoon we saw bottlenose dolphins, flyingfish and portuguese man of war.
Hoje tivemos muitos clientes satisfeitos e felizes, ninguém enjoou apesar do mar estar um bocadinho agitado. De manhã vimos tartarugas e grampos e a tarde roazes, peixes voadores e uma caravela portuguesa.
Tursiops truncatus
Homo sapiens
Grampus griseus
Physalia physalis
Caretta caretta
Grampus griseus