Physeter macrocephalus
Weiter ging es mit unser Pottwalserie der vergangenen Woche. Sowohl am Morgen, wie auch am Nachmittag hatte die Ribeira Brava einen Pottwal. Besonders schön für unsere junge Pottwalexpertin Carolyn, die zwar schon über diese Tiere in der Schule ein Referat gehalten hat, aber heute das erste Mal einen dieser tollen Wale zu Gesicht bekam. Die Insel war heute, umgeben von einem sanften Meer besonders schön anzusehen. Außerdem gab es bei der Nachmittagstour sechs Unechte Karretschildkröten zu sehen. Wussten Sie schon, dass manche der Carreta Carreta, die wir hier zu Gesicht bekommen, von der anderen Seite des Atlantiks kommen? Eine weite Reise!
And our Sperm whale adventure continues! On both our Ribeira Brava tours (morning and afternoon) we saw sperm whales. This was quiet exciting for our “little” sperm whale expert Carolyn, she allready wrote about this animals in school but had never had a chance to see them in real life, today was the day! The sea around Madeira has been so incredibly calm that somethimes you can see a perfect reflex of the clouds, soooo beautiful! Apart of the amazing sperm whales, we saw a few Loggerhead sea turtels, did you know that when we see them around here they allready have had a long, long trip from the other side of the Atlantic?
E os avistamentos espetaculares continuam!! Tanto na viagem da manhã como na da tarde vimos Cachalotes. Foi uma viagem muito especial para a nossa pequena especialista em Cachalotes Carolyn , que apesar de já ter escrito sobre eles na escola nunca os tinha visto, até hoje! O mar tem estado tão calmo e sereno, tanto que parece um reflexo do céu, até as nuvens espelham se na perfeição. Além dos Cachalotes hoje também vimos tartarugas bobas, sabia que quando as vemos por cá estas tartarugas já fizeram uma longa viagem?
Physeter macrocephalus
Calonectris diomedia borealis
Homo sapiens
Physeter macrocephalus
Caretta caretta