Caretta caretta
Heute gab es 2 Fahrten mit der Stenella, Sonnenschein und ruhiges Meer, also Schildkrötenwetter. Es gab einige intensive Begegnungen über und unter Wasser. Viele Gemeine Delfine waren heute unterwegs und einige Gäste sind zu ihnen ins Wasser gegangen.
Today we had 2 trips with Stenella, the sea was calm and the sun was shining, the perfect weather for sea turtles. Many common dolphins where around today and some of our guests went in the water with them.
Hoje tivemos duas viagens com o Stenella, muito sol e o mar calmíssimo, o tempo ideal para as tartarugas. No mar encontramos muitos golfinhos comuns e alguns dos nossos clientes fizeram lhes uma visita nas água.
Delphinus delphis
Physalia physalis
Homo sapiens / Delphinus delphis
Caretta caretta
Delphinus delphis
Homo sapiens