Again a great day on the sea with sightings of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins and during the morning tours also Common Dolphins.
Sometimes when the animals are close to the boat, then with some luck, we manage to hear their high whistles. Especially kids have a better hearing, so they are sursprised about these funny sounds. Dolphins creates an enormous variety of sounds. It might sound like creaking, buzzing or just whistles. Whistles are sounds, which lasts for about 1-3 seconds, during which their frequency is changing. Each young dolphin creates his own and unique whistle (like a “name”) which he keeps probably for its entire life. Most probably mothers and their calves identify each other with this. Probably dolphins are even able to imitate other sounds. So for example, when they are in captivity (dolphinarium), they might imitate the whistles of their trainer. Dolphins in the wild exchange hellos with signature whistles. Maybe they sent greetings to us, with their chorus of whistles?
by Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
09.00: Common dolphins and Atlantic spotted Dolphins
13.30: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
17.00: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins and Common Dolphins
15.30: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins