Tursiops truncatus
Sich steigernde Sichtungen heute auf der Tour: zuerst Tümmler, dann Pilotwale und dann mehr als 8 Pottwale (unsere ersten in 2012 und ich zeige hier eine Tauchsequenz von einer Mutter mit ihrem Kalb). Außerdem gab es portugisische Geleeren, eine falsche Karettschildkröte, Schwarzschnabel,- und Geldbschabelsturmtaucher und viele Medusen.
Globicephala macrorhynchus / Jardim do Mar / Paul do Mar / Ponta do Pargo
Increasing sightings today on our trip: fist bottlenose dolphins, then pilot whales and later more than 8 sperm whales (our first once in 2012 and what I post here is the sequence of diving from a mother and her calf). As well we saw some Portuguese man of war, one Loggerhead turtle, Manx and Cory´s Shearwaters and lots of jelly fish.
Physeter macrocephalus
Avistamentos crescentes hoje na nossa viagem: primeiro roazes, depois bocas de panela e finalmente mais que 8 cachalotes (os primeiros para 2012 e mando aqui fotos duma sequência de mergulho duma mãe mais a sua cria). Também vimos caravelas portuguesas, uma tartaruga boba, Cagarras, Patagarros e muitas alforrecas.
1 Comment
We had a very nice tour and were lucky to see so much. The pictures are very nice!
Thank you!
Family Jongejan