Homo sapiens
Die Bilder von heute, 2 Touren am Vormittag zu Gemeinen Delfinen und Streifendelfinen und 1 Tour am Nachmittag, die Ribeira Brava Nachmittagstour musste leider wegen Regen ausfallen, aber die Stenella sauste weit nach Osten und konnte so dem Regen entkommen und fressende und “fliegende “Gemeine Delfine beobachten.
Today we had 3 trips the 4th one had to be cancelled because of the weather, so 2 Stenella trips and 1 Rubeira Brava trip. In the morning we saw common dolphins and striped dolphins, in the afternoon our Stenella had a big trip to find flying common dolphins.
Hoje tínhamos 4 viagens planeadas, 2 com o Stenella e 2 com o Ribeira Brava, mas a ultima viagem com o Ribeira Brava teve de ser cancelada porcausa da chuva. Nas viagens da manhã vimos golfinhos comuns e riscados, na viagem da tarde com o Stenella fomos até ao Cabo Girão para ver golfinhos comuns voadores.
Delphinus delphis
Stenella coeruleoalba
Homo sapiens/ Delphinus delphis
Calonectris diomedia borealis
Puffinus puffinus
Delphinus delphis