Ein erfüllter Tag, auf allen Ausfahrten Pilotwale, Tümmler und mittags auch noch Pottwale, einen Haifisch, fliegende Fische und Schildkröten. Die Bilder sind nach Uhrzeit geordnet:
Today was a full day, on all trips we saw pilot whales, bottelnose dolphins and in the afternoon we also saw sperm whales, one shark, flying fish and sea turtels. The pictures are organized by time:
Hoje tivemos um dia cheio, em todas as viagens vimos baleias piloto, roazes e na viagem da tarde ainda vimos cachalotes, peixes voadores e tartarugas. As fotos estão organizadas por tempo:
Stenella / Ribeira Brava 9.00
Globicephala macrorhynchus
Homo sapiens
Ribeira Brava 13.30
Physeter macrocephalus
Homo sapiens
Tursiops truncatus
Caretta caretta
Cheilopogon heterurus
Globicephala macrorhynchus
Ribeira Brava 17.00
Globicephala macrorhynchus
Tursiops truncatus