Another day out in the blue awaited us with many surprises! The morning started with plenty of different dolphin species of all sizes. Besides our resident Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), we also encountered the curious Short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and the most playful of all, the Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). As if that wasn’t enough already, a brief but very special encounter followed: Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). This species also belongs to the family of Oceanic dolphins (Dephinidae) but gained its name ‘whale’ because of it’s impressive length of up to seven meters. Pilot whales are also considered residents in Madeira, but being a deep diving species not easy to encounter.
In the afternoon, we headed out again and were lucky enough to encounter two different species very close to the coast. We started with our resident Bottlenose dolphins, which swam very calmly and in close proximity to our boats. Close by the Bottlenose dolphins, we managed to spot a Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) resting at the water surface. The highlight of our tour though was a large nursery group of Short-beaked common dolphins. Dozens of mothers and calves swam curiously and actively around us, grouping up to better protect their young. A particularly small calf must have only born a few hours or days ago, still swimming a little clumsy besides his mother.
The late afternoon tour was again an eventful one, spotting five different cetacean species. We did not only encounter the Short-beaked common dolphins, the fast and elusive Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), and Bottlenose dolphins, but also another special summer guest, the Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) and one of the deepest divers of our oceans, the mysterious Blainville beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris).
by Sarah Kather
Sightings of the day
Click on each sighting to access the photo gallery of the correspondent trip
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales
13:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales