A summer morning at sea with peacefully migrating Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and later peacefully resting Short-finned Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Also in the afternoon there was a wonderful encounter with Pilot whales, who were close to the boat a few times.
While we were able to observe these beautiful animals in peace and quietness, their conspecifics are not only threatened by humans, but are brutally killed on the Faroe Islands and in Taiji / Japan. It can be so different, we enjoyed the beauty of nature and on the same day in Taiji a school of Pantropical Spotted dolphins was driven into the bay. Twelve female dolphins have been removed from the group and will spend the rest of their lives in captivity. The rest of the group was released into the sea. Dolphins are social beings, to tear them away from their group is soul torture.
However, we humans always, always, always have the choice whether we respect and enjoy nature or destroy it. Please boycott dolphinariums! Every ticket bought represents cruelty to animals.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Pilot whales
15:00 Pilot whales