Concerning the weather, this month will not be remembered as a so called “golden October”. Ok, some days were warm and calm, with a sea like a mirror, reflecting a blue heaven. But mostly it was a rather mixed month, with much wind and rain. Today, last day of October, the sea showed us again its rough charm. During two trips, we rocked up and down high waves, feeling the breath of the Atlantic. In the morning tour we succeeded and found a school of energetic Atlantic spotted dolphins, surfing the waves and escorting our boat for a little while. Precious moments, especially when winter is so close by. On the second tour we searched again for marine mammals. Our spotter on land and we from aboard, asking ourselves where are they, the “spotted dolphins”? We found Cory’s Shearwaters and a Flying fish, but no dolphins in sight. Goodbye October.
by Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
10.00: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
13.00: no sighting