Stenella coeruleoalba
Der Monat Mai ist vorbei und heute war es schwierig das Foto des Tages auszusuchen. So viele Sprünge und so viele Delfine: Tümmler und Fleckendelfine am Morgen und Tümmler und Streifendelfine am Nachmittag. Drei Fahrten diesen Monat waren erfolglos und alles zusammen hatten wir 37 Ausfahrten, 29 mit der Ribeira Brava und 8 mit der Stenella.
Caretta caretta / Stenella frontalis
The May is over now and today it was really difficult to choose the photo of the day. So many good leaps and so many dolphins: bottlenose and spotted dolphins in the morning and bottlenose and striped dolphins in the afternoon. Three trips this month without success and all together we had 37 trips, 29 with Ribiera Brava and 8 with Stenella.
Tursiops truncatus
O mes de Maio est+a acabando e hoje fui mesmo difícil de escolher a foto do dia. Tantos saltos hoje e tantos golfinhos: de manha roazes e golfinhos pintados e a tarde roazes e golfinhos riscados. Tres viagens este mes não tiveram avistamentos e todo junto fizemos 37 viagens, 29 com a Ribeira Brava e 8 com a Stenella.
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella frontalis
Tursiops truncatus
Stenella coeruleoalba
Ein uns schon lange bekannter Tümmler, der durch seine markante Art zu schwimmen auffällt und noch dazu sehr mager ist.
A bottlenose dolphin, which we already know for a long time, because his way to swim is very special and he is quiet thin, look at his rips.
Um roaz, que nos já conhecemos desde muito tempo. Ele tem uma maneira especial de nadar e é muito magro.
Tursiops truncatus
Copyright all photos Fatima K. / Lobosonda
1 Comment
Such lovely photographs – well done to you all. We wish you every success both now and in the future.