Globicephala macrorhynchus
Warum ist nur so viel los bei uns? HERBSTFERIEN heisst das Zauberwort, na fein und das Wetter spielt auch gut mit. Hier also die Eindruecke der Morgenfahrten unserer beiden Boote, am Nachmittag wurde getankt und dazu muss die Ribeira Brava immer nach Funchal fahren.
Why are we having so many trips in October? FALL BREAK is the magic word. Lots of nice guests come together with the perfect weather and make perfect trips! Here are some impressions from our trips in the morning, in the afternoon we went to Funchal with Ribeira Brava to refuel.
Porque é que em pleno Outubro temos tantas viagens? São as chamadas “férias de outono” na Europa, e o bom tempo só nos ajuda. Aqui algumas impressões das nossas viagens da manhã, a tarde o Ribeira Brava foi abastecer ao Funchal.
Homo sapiens / Tursiops Truncatus
Tursiops truncatus
Globicephala macrorhynchus
Tursiops Truncatus