Vormittags sahen wir 2 Schulen Rundkopfdelfine, nachmittags eine kleine Schule von Tümmler. Rundkopfdelfine haben sehr viele Narben, je älter sie werden umso mehr, und werden im Laufe der Jahre immer heller. Fotos zeigen also Tiere verschiedenen Alters.
In the morning we saw 2 pods of Risso’s dolphins, in the afternoon a little pod of bottlenose dolphins. Riss’s dolphins have a lot of scratches, as older they get as more scratches they get, and with the passing years they are getting whiter and whiter. The photos show animals of different ages.
De manha vimos 2 grupos de grampos, a tarde um grupo pequeno de roaz. Grampos têm muitas cicatrizes, com o passar do tempo o numero deles cresce, e com a idade eles fiquem cada vez mais claro. As fotos mostram animais de varias idades.