Pottwale, viele portugisische Galeeren, Schildkröten, gemeine Delfine und verschiedene Meeresvögel.
Sperm whales, lots of portuguese man of war, turtles, common dolphins and different seabirds.
Cachalotes, muitas caravelhas portuguesas, tartarugas, golfinhos comuns e várias aves marinhas.
Calonectris diomedea borealis and Puffinus assimilis baroli
Jeder Pottwal hat seine ganz eigene Fluke, wie ein Fingerabdruck bei Menschen.
Each sperm whales has its own fluke, just like us humans have our finger prints.
Cada cachalote tem a sua própria barbatana caudal, como nós humanos temos as nossas impressões digitais.
1 Comment
Very nice pict’s ! We had a very nice trip last week . Regards from all the family to the Lobosonda crew !