Meet Pedro, our skilled skipper with a rich history as a fisherman spanning two decades. Seventeen of those years were spent navigating the vast waters of the Pacific, while the remaining three were dedicated to the South Atlantic. Growing up in the picturesque fishing village of Paúl do Mar, Pedro has always been intimately connected to the sea.
In the summer of 2021, Pedro joined Lobosonda part-time and quickly realized he wanted to shift his lifestyle. By 2022, he made the decision to become a permanent member of our team. This role has allowed Pedro to maintain his deep bond with the ocean while expanding his knowledge of marine life, particularly cetaceans.
For Pedro, the ocean is more than just a place—it’s home. From a young age, he spent countless hours by the sea, surfing and exploring, driven by an insatiable curiosity for all that the ocean has to offer. Among the many marine creatures he has encountered, Spotted Dolphins hold a special place in his heart due to their inquisitive and playful nature.
Pedro’s passion for the sea and its inhabitants brings an infectious enthusiasm to our team, making every journey with him an adventure.